domenica 25 novembre 2012

Megatutorial - Muvizu (primi passi)

Mega tutorial - Costruire una casa - (the sims 3 ITA)

giovedì 22 novembre 2012

Fatman Adventures - Batman Italian Opening

This is a short computer animation made with Muvizu. It is my first video so, you know, it contains some errors. The soundtrack is the Italian Opening of  Batman - The Animated Series .  Hope you'll enjoy it :)

Forrest Gump Animated

This is a short collection of scenes based on Forrest Gump. I hope I haven't ruined such an amazing film
Enjoy it  :)

Human Cruelty

This is a short and sad video about our world and human cruelty. The aim of it is to send a message..

Special Effects: Blender Olographic Cars

This is a VERY short video, showing a choice among three olographic cars (the last one is the Audi TT), made to testify some Blender features.
Song: My life be like - Grits (Fast & Furious - Tokyo Drift Soundtrack"
Special thanks to RedBaron85 for his tutorials and his models (his website:!
Hope you'll enjoy it!

Earth on Space- Blender Animation

This is a Blender 3D Animation showing the earth and the moon revolving around the sun.
Earth's and moon's textures are taken from Nasa's website.
Special thanks to Andrew Price for his tutorials!


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